University College Day Submission Form
Title of Presentation:
Contact Presenter Name:
  Contact Phone Number:
e.g. 999-999-9999
Contact E-Mail:
(Click + to add more presenters)
Contact Faculty Sponsor:
Cheryl Adair
Cary Adkinson
Luis Aguirre
Reza Alaeddini
Bonnie Albritton
Shelley Almgren
Valentine Altamero
Elsa Anderson
Trisha Anderson
Carly Andrews
Marquel Anteola
Hannah Anthony
George Aramath
Ilka Araujo
Elizabeth Ardanowski
Michele Ardigo
Maria Arredondo-Alba
Paul Austin
Joni Baczewski
Connie Barker
Kristin Barkley
Melody Barrow
Russell Bartee
Lucretia Basham
Elizabeth Battles
Elise Belk
Amy Bell
Thomas Bell
Bruce Benz
Jerome Bierschenk
Richard Bishop
Vurl Bland
Kurt Bonnett
Aimee Bozarth
Cynthia Brennan
Peter Brock
Jay Brown
Joseph Brown
Dominique Brown
Katherine Buck
James Burgert
Renee Buster
Kristina Byerly
Stacia Campbell
Sylvia Campbell
Jesus Canas
Sharon Carano
Louis Carfa
Jennifer Carr
Linda Carroll
Jose Castillo
Christine Chambers
Chitra Chandrasekaran
Gladys Childs
Mary Clark
William Clay
Kay Colley
Michelle Connell
Pamela Cooper
Brian Cornelius
Marie Cotineau
Kelly Crawford
Keith Critcher
Kelly Crook
Solomon Cross
Jose Cubela
James Dailey
Steven Daniell
Sherry David
Laurie Davis
Sandra Davis
Anna De Leon
Jenny Dean
Yashar Dehdashti
Marit Delghandi
Gregory Dewhirst
Cesar Diaz
Stacy Dissinger
Joseph Dryden
Lisa Dryden
Michael DuPont
Nancy Edge
Ian Ekery
Wayne Elam
Amber Elliott
Michael Ellison
Angela Emerson
Joseph Estes
Eric Evert
Jeanne Everton
Steven Falkenberg
Janie Faris
David Ferman
Laura Filler
Deborah Sue Flournoy
Linda Ford
Amy Forrester
Clay Freeman
Lisa Gabbert
Jacqueline Gaffner
Luis Galindo
Ryan Gamble
Esther Garza
Brian Gegel
Tracey Gibson
Rueben Gonzales
Brenna Green
Edna Greenwood
Charles Greeson
Margaret Griffith
Gena Guerin
Thomas Guffey
Kelly Guidry
Michael Gunnin
Paulina Guzzardo
Karen Hall
Kathryn Hall
Patricia Hamilton
Muhye Hammattah
Matthew Hand
Richard Haratine
Jennifer Harenberg
Haley Harris
Judy Hart
Dianne Hawkins
Ashley Hazelwood
Justin Hefley
Jearl Helvey
Allen Henderson
Lisa Hensley
James Hensley
Blake Henson
Jeffrey Herr
Matthew Herring
Eric Hessel
Mai Hessel
Jennifer Hestand
Carey Hix
Sarah Hodges
Teresa Holland
Michelle Holt
Sara House
Elizabeth Howard
David Humphreys
Melanie Hurt
Julie Jackson
Randall James
Jule Jennings
Sua Jeon
Dorian Johnson
Kary Johnson
June Johnson
Carol Johnson-Gerendas
Kathryn Jones
Violetta Kadieva
Rochelle Kaempf
Astrid Kalz
Terri Kane
Melissa Kellam
Christina Kelley
Bahram Khalili
Barbara Kirby
Karen Kirk
Heidi Klein
Kimberly Knapp
Brian Koonce
Dmitry Kustanovich
Mary Landers
Bonnie Laster
Anne Lavallee
Juyeon Lee
Lauren Leising
Dawn Lewellen
Susan Linam
Don Lockhart
Eddy Lynton
Angela Mack
Alistair Maeer
Debra Maloy
Christopher Manno
Catherine Manno
Carlos Martinez
Jill Mason-Nguyen
Brenda Matthews
Joshua Matthews
Sara McCallum
Stephanie McClellan
Julie McCoy
Angela McCutcheon-Jones
David McDowell
George McGown
James McGrath
Ronnie McManus
Price McMurray
Linda Metcalf
Sheldon Metz
Bianca Mickan
Dennis Miles
Twyla Miranda
Amanda Monteleone
Chad Moore
Mary Morfeld
Lidia Morris
Brenice Murlette
Whitney Myers
William Nash
William Newton
Phong Ngo
Thomas Nichols
Karla O'Donald
Renee O'Donnell
Gokcen Ogruk
Christopher Ohan
Evyan Osborne
Helen Padgett
Joe Paniagua
Christopher Parker
Jessica Patton Maeer
Michelle Payne
William Payne
Dianne Pearson
Phillip Pelphrey
Sharon Peters
Justin Pierce
Michael Plantz
Natalie Pleimann
Karen Potter
Kimberly Powell
Richard Powell
Danny Prado
Katherine Prater
Chelsea Procter-Willman
Tiffini Pruitt-Britton
Marie Purcell
Zhaoqiong Qin
Heather Quast
Hector Quintanilla
Lisa Ramos
Shamira Ramos-Ayala
Alec Ranck
Pamela Rast
Adalheidur Reed
Ryan Rich
Le Roberts
Patsy Robles-Goodwin
Ricardo Rodriguez
Samuel Rodriguez
Janis Rogers
William Rollins
Caitlin Rookey
William Rucker
Jessica Salazar
Damaris Saldana-Luckey
Dwight Sandell
Edgardo Santiago
James Schmidt
Richard Schoen
Lisa Scott
Celia Scott
Layla Scott
Scott Shaffer
Khalid Shaikh
Sherly Shaji
Patrick Sherlock
Louis Sherwood
Richard Shoen
Katherine Sierra
Paul Sikes
Alison Simons
Carl Smeller
Vikter Solis
Junghoon Song
Mouhamadou Sow
Misti Sparks
Elizabeth Speights
Dennis Spence
Ashly Spencer
Jennifer Spiegel
Kristin Spires
Sara Steele
Claire Stegman
Stephanie Stegman
Bryan Stevenson
Joshua Stone
Nathan Stortroen
Cory Stuhmer
Timothy Sullivan
Kathleen Sweeney
Lisa Taylor
Adrienne Taylor
Heidi Taylor
Dale Telgenhoff
Toni Thalken
Robert Thiebaud
Carl Thompson
Clay Townsley
Barbara Treat
David Tripp
Tito Tubog
Andrea Tullis
Kimberly Tyler
Erin Vader
Sameer Vaidya
Lori Varnell
Kimberly Villio
Julie Vowell
Karen Wallace
Peng Wang
Allison Ward
Elizabeth Ward
Gina Warren
Brandon Weaver
Kimberly Webb
Michael West
Jerry Westenkuehler
James Wetrich
Connie Whitt-Lambert
Jessica Williams
Larry Wilson
Robert Wilson
Celia Wilson
Shengxiong Wu
Ronald Wyatt
Yixun Xing
Alexander Yeselson
Sinan Yildirim
Yukong Zhang
Natasha Zinsou
(Click + to add more faculty sponsors)
Group Category:
Undergraduate (with Faculty Sponsor)
Undergraduate Department Honors
Combined Undergraduate and Faculty
Graduate (with Faculty Sponsor)
Combined Graduate and Faculty
Time Preference:
The lecture format is intended to focus on content and is primarily didactic with minimal audience participation. Limited to individuals and groups of 3 or less, group presentations would include a moderator and participants under a common theme.
This format is designed for musical/theatrical/electronic media presentations
The panel format is intended to focus on content with presentations by panelists, group discussion among panelists and may allow for questions from the audience. Panels may not consist of more than 5 participants.
Poster Session:
At an assigned time, presenters will stand by their posters so they can discuss their topic to interested attendees, as well as provide a two-page handout. Poster size and specifications found on this website apply.
Video Conference / Skype:
This format is designed for presenters who will not be on campus during the event. Their presentation will be broadcast live with the help of media sources.
Special requirements for presentation (special media needs, time and location requests, other special considerations)
Film/Digital Media (Advise details of transmission equip required)
Microphone and Sound System
Accompanist, with any additional furniture requirement (note: performer must provide accompanist as needed)
Additional Requirement Details (for performances, distance presentations, etc.):
Abstract (up to 600 words describing content of presentation. Please include information about the topic, content and structure of your presentation):
Goals and objectives for the presentation (list three things that your audience will learn during your presentation):