Minor Project

The prupose of Minor Project was to be able to provide students with a way to log in and view their chosen minor, required amount of credits, classes taken that go towards said minor and how many classes they have left to complete. The project is not complete as I ran out of time to complete one of the web applications.

The project was built using HTML pn the linux server and MYSQL to build the database tables needed. Json and Jqueery's for user-interface.

Issues that came up with this project was lack of communication between teram members and availability of other team member to work on the project. The login page does not work and needed more tiem to be fixed or completely redone.

For the future, finishing the project would include creating and publishing the webpage interface for users to see the classes completed for their minor and how many classes they have left to complete as well as fix the login page.


Milestone one involved setting up the project website.

Milestoen 2 involved setting up the databas tables to use and begin to start inputting data.

Milestone 3 involved finishing up the database tables and drafting the jquery page and json files

Milestone 4 involved finishing up the jquery page and putting the login page on the website as well as publishing the pages on the project website.


Minor Project Landing Page