
Written Report


For this project, we developed a school event tracking system utilizing HTML, CSS, MySQL, and PHP. The primary objective was to create a centralized platform where users can submit and view events from the various clubs adn organizations at the school. The system ensures that all approved events are accessible to the entire school community, while only those with an account being able to create events.


The front-end of the website was built using HTML and CSS. PHP was employed for database manipulation, handling user authentication, event submissions, and administrator privileges. MySQL served as the database management system, storing user information, event details, and administrators.

Work Load

In terms of workload, I (Julio) was mainly in charge of the event creation page, as well as ensuring that events were properly displayed on the main page. Andrew was responsible for creating user authentication, including login and signup, as well as creating an administrator page, with exclusive access to certain users.


Various issues were encountered during this project. During event creation, we wanted to have a more complex room number selection system. We also had issues implementing a system to delete events in the administrator page.

Future Plans

Future implementations would involve the addition of a better admin page, featuring improved methods for adding approved events and deleting unapproved events. We would also enhance mobile support.


Milestone 1

Created main page as website, no functionality, but displays outline for future

Milestone 2

Implemented user authentication, including a login and signup page

Milestone 3

Made an event creation page so users will have their events uploaded to main page, no real maanagement of events yet

Milestone 4

Created an administrator page, in which only users with permission can access, used to approve events.



Diagram Pciture


We rely on the linux server offered through PuTTY


Our website offers a client server architecture