- Since we use key-based login as opposed to traditional password to log in the new
Linux server on Amazon Cloud (AWS), you need to create a pair of keys(public and private) and upload your public key to this file and then I will copy to the new server. A public key looks like below.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAWb8FBr+mDZ+eddtraHFiZeH082Ie6isf16KQRAopFf
- After that, you should be able to log in the server with your private key. You can follow the instructions given in the first several links on the page below. Or check with other studens who are taking the Computer Networks class this semester for additional help if needed.
- Once you are able to log in, you can do the same thing as you did on the old server cscdevprod03. Below is your website link on the new server: