Tips for Chapter 6 lab assignment

Lesson 6-3


to read characters from keyboard. This way you can read all types of characters including space and return characters. After entering a series of characters, press enter so that the last character entered is a return character, you can use it as the terminator of your input. For example, you can use a loop control like
while(letter != '\n')
to read all characters until a return key is pressed. To check if a character is uppercase, lower case, or digit, use the integer coding values of ASCII character set. For example, to check if a character is a uppercase letter, use
if(letter >='A' && letter <= 'Z')

More examples about getting input into programs through looping

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
	char data;

	//Read the first data item from keyboard

	//Keep reading until a Ctr Z character is reached
	while(data != '\n')
		cout << data << endl;

	cout << "Well done!" << endl;
	return 0;

//int main()
//	int data;
//	int sum = 0;
//	//Read the first data item from keyboard
//	cin >> data;
//	//Keep reading until a Ctr Z character is reached
//	while(cin)
//	{
//		sum = sum + data;
//		cin >> data;
//	}
//	cout << "The sum of the data items is " << sum << endl;
//	return 0;

//int main()
//	int data;
//	int sum = 0;
//	ifstream inData;
//	//Read the first data item from the file
//	inData >> data;
//	//Keep reading until EOF (end of file) character is reached
//	while(inData)
//	{
//		sum = sum + data;
//		inData >> data;
//	}
//	cout << "The sum of the data items in the file is " << sum << endl;
//	return 0;


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