CSC2340 Object-Oriented Programming and Design

Date Topics Assignments Notes
1-20 Introduction and class administrative. Familiar with the course resources, rules, grading, etc.
1-17 Warm Up Exercise P1. Work on the "Line" program. The detailed instructions are given here. Due 1-24 on Bb
1-24 Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 1. Read Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4
2. Programming Assignment P2 Due: (1-31).
Course materials can be found in the course shared folder.
Difference between string literals and objects created with new operator
1-24 Chapters 1-4 Work on the Self-Test Questions for Chapters 1 through 4.
2-7 Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 Work on the Self-Test Questions for Chapters 6 to 8
2-7 Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8 1. Read Chapters 7 and 8
2. Programming Assignment: 2D Array Patterns Due: 2/14 (Tuesday) to Bb.
- Practice questions for arrays
2-16 Chapter 9 Object-Oriented Programming 1. Read Chapter 9
2. Programming Assignment: Image Process . Due: (2/24 Friday).
- Sample code can be found at the OneDrive share drive
- A flow chart for the programming assignment.
2-23 Chapter 9 Work on the Self-Test Questions for Chapter 9.
2-28 Chapters 9-10 Object-Oriented Programming 1. Read Chapter 9
2. Programming Assignment: Hide text in images. Due: (3-9).
- Practice Questions
- Java Formatted Printing
3-2 Chapter 10 Object-Oriented Thinking Programming Assignments: Triangle and BigDecimal . Due: 3/21
- Sample code and instructions are at the OneDrive share: Triangle and BigDecimal folders
3-26 Chapter 11 Work on the Self-Test Questions for Chapter 11
3-26 Chapter 11 Inheritance and Polymorphism Programming Assignment (1): Student Tracking System Due: 4/2.
Programming Assignment (2): ArrayList: RemoveDuplicates and Union Due: 4/4
- Practice Questions
4-11 Chapter 13 (Abstract Classes and Interfaces) Work on the Self-Test Questions
4-11 Chapter 13 (Abstract Class and Interface) Programming Assignment: Abstract and Interface. Due: 4-16 Practice questions
Notes for the Practice questions
4-18 Chapter 13 (Abstract Class and Interface) Programming Assignment: Game of Life. Detailed instructions are in the course shared folder. . Due: 5-2 (Tuesday)
4-25 Chapter 12 Exception Handling Work on the Self-Test Questions for Chapter 12 Practice questions
5-2 Quiz on Chapters 12 and 13 Work on the Self-Test questions for the two chapters