CSC6341 Database Systems

Modules Topics Assignments Notes
Get Started Introduction and class administratives. Familiar with the course resources, rules, grading, etc. Instructions to logging in MySQL database
Connect to Web Server through Notepad++
vim Tutorial
Module One Introduction to web technology Web technology, MySQL, Linux basic commands, how to transfer files to the server.
Practice these Linux Commands on our linux server.
25 basic Linux commands
Set up a website Complete course web page by, add a table cellar, change passwords, samba account, project teams and topics by Instructions to set up a website
Overview Assignment
Web Programming Get started with web programming. Reference website Study the materials on HTML, CSS, Javascript, and JQuery at \\copernicus\Public\csc6341\html_javascript_reference
Module Two Relational Model Read Chapter 3
Set up the SPJ Database Assignment
Study the materials on HTML, CSS, Javascript, and JQuery at \\copernicus\Public\csc6341\html_javascript_reference
Lab 1: Web Form and Database Connection Lab 1
Module Three MySQL Database and SQL Language SQL Basics
Chapters 7 SQL SQL Query Assignment
SQL Examples
MySQL Built-in Functions
Lab 2: Save Web Form Data into Database Lab 2.
Project UI Design Term Project UI Design
Module Four Database Design and Modeling DB Design Assignment DB Design Guideline
Lab 3: Read Json Data from File Lab 3.
Lab 4: Read and Save Data with Ajax Lab 4.
Project Database Design Term Project Database Design (E/R Diagram). (Upload to team leader's website)
Module Five Database Integrity Database Integrity Assignment. Slides
Database Integrity Tips
Lab 5: Log in with database Lab 5.
Lab 6: Authentication with LDAP Lab 6.
Module Six Functional Dependence and Normalization FD and Normalization Assignment. Slides: Functional dependence and Normalization
Module Seven Introduction to NoSQL Database
Term Project Submission Post project reports on team leader's website