MySQL Database Basics

To log in mysql database:

  1. Open PuTTY
  2. Type in the host name textbox and click Open to log in the server machine named cscdevprod01.
  3. Use the following command to connect MySQL database:
    mysql database_name -u username -p
    You need to substitute the database_name and username with your own.

For example:

mysql JDOE -u jdoe -p


mysql -u jdoe -p
Enter password:
mysql> use JDOE;

You might need to change password of your database. To change your MySQL password, use the following command:

mysql> set password = password("your new password"); 

If you want to see what databases you can view, use the following command:

mysql> show databases;

+----------	+
| Database 	|
+----------	+
| JDOE    	|
| mysql    	|
+----------	+
9 rows in set (0.01 sec)

To change/switch to a different database, use the following command

mysql> use database_name;

For example:
mysql> use JDOE;

Database changed

To view tables in a database, use the following command,

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_JDOE |
| customer        |
| movie           |
| rents           |

The following are example scripts used to create the tables: celllar, movie and customer. Create those tables in a database by executing the follow commands to mysql database:

  bin_num int(10) NOT NULL,
  wine char(20) default NULL,
  producer char(20) default NULL,
  year int(4) default NULL,
  bottles int(4) default NULL,
  ready int(4) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (bin_num)

create table movie (
 movie_id int(10) NOT NULL,
 title varchar(50) ,
 genre varchar(20) ,
 rating varchar(10),
 primary key (movie_id)

create table customer (
 customer_id int(10) NOT NULL,
 name varchar(50) ,
 address varchar(50) ,
 credit_card_number varchar(20),
 primary key (customer_id)

Alternative way to create tables in a database

You may type the above two scripts in text files using a text editor such as notepad at your local PC and save them as create_movie.sql and create_customer.sql, respectively. Use ftp to transfer the files to the LINUX server. Execute sql scripts/commands in a file as follows:

mysql database_name -u user_id -p < file_name

For example:

-sh-3.2$ mysql JDOE -u jdoe -p < create_cellar.sql
Enter password:

-sh-3.2$ mysql JDOE -u jdoe -p < create_movie.sql
Enter password:

-sh-3.2$ mysql JDOE -u jdoe -p < create_customer.sql
Enter password:

After you finish with creating tables and inserting data entries, query your tables and make sure they were created correctly.

CELLAR (BIN_NUM, WINE, PRODUCER, YEAR, BOTTLES, READY) VALUES (53, 'Pinot Noir', 'Saintsbury', 1997, 6, 2001);

mysql> select * from cellar;

| bin_num | wine           | producer     | year | bottles | ready |
|       2 | Chardonnay     | Buena Vista  | 2001 |       1 |  2003 |
|       3 | Chardonnay     | Geyeser Peak | 2001 |       5 |  2003 |
|       6 | Chardonnay     | Simi         | 2000 |       4 |  2002 |
|      12 | Joh Riesling   | Jekel        | 2002 |       1 |  2003 |
|      21 | Fume Blanc     | Ch St. Jean  | 2001 |       4 |  2003 |
|      22 | Fume Blanc     | Robt Mondavi | 2000 |       2 |  2002 |
|      30 | Gewurztraminer | Ch St. Jean  | 2002 |       3 |  2003 |
|      43 | Cab Sauvignon  | Windsor      | 1995 |      12 |  2004 |
|      45 | Cab Sauvignon  | Geyeser Peak | 1998 |      12 |  2006 |
|      48 | Cab Sauvignon  | Robt Mondavi | 1997 |      12 |  2008 |
|      50 | Pinot Noir     | Gary Farrell | 2000 |       3 |  2003 |
|      51 | Pinot Noir     | Fetzer       | 1997 |       3 |  2004 |
|      52 | Pinot Noir     | Dehlinger    | 1999 |       2 |  2002 |
|      58 | Merlot         | Clos du Bois | 1998 |       9 |  2004 |
|      64 | Zinfandel      | Cline        | 1998 |       9 |  2007 |
|      72 | Zinfandel      | Rafanelli    | 1999 |       2 |  2007 |
16 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Which wines are ready in 2003?

mysql> select * from cellar where ready = 2003;
| bin_num | wine           | producer     | year | bottles | ready |
|       2 | Chardonnay     | Buena Vista  | 2001 |       1 |  2003 |
|       3 | Chardonnay     | Geyeser Peak | 2001 |       5 |  2003 |
|      12 | Joh Riesling   | Jekel        | 2002 |       1 |  2003 |
|      21 | Fume Blanc     | Ch St. Jean  | 2001 |       4 |  2003 |
|      30 | Gewurztraminer | Ch St. Jean  | 2002 |       3 |  2003 |
|      50 | Pinot Noir     | Gary Farrell | 2000 |       3 |  2003 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from movie;
| movie_id | title             | genre            | rating |
| 101     | Sixth Sense, The   | thriller horror  | PG-13  |
| 102     | Back to the Future | comedy adventure | PG     |
| 103     | Monsters, Inc.     | animation comedy | G      |
| 104     | Field of Dreams    | fantasy drama    | PG     |
| 105     | Alien              | sci-fi horror    | R      |
| 106     | Unbreakable        | thriller         | PG-13  |
| 107     | X-Men              | action sci-fi    | PG-13  |
| 5022    | Elizabeth          | drama period     | R      |
| 5793    | Independence Day   | action sci-fi    | PG-13  |
| 7442    | Platoon            | action drama war | R      |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from customer;
|customer_id | name          | address               |credit_card_number|
| 101        | Dennis Cook   | 123 Main Street       | 2736237123440382 |
| 102        | Doug Nickle   | 456 Second Ave        | 7362748659573638 |
| 103        | Randy Wolf    | 789 Elm Street        | 4253477362524436 |
| 104        | Amy Stevens   | 321 Yellow Brick Road | 9876543212345678 |
| 105        | Robert Person | 654 Lois Lane         | 1122334455667788 |
| 106        | David Coggin  | 987 Broadway          | 8473968448473784 |
| 107        | Susan Klaton  | 345 Easy Street       | 2435433215673232 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)