ToOLS: Test of Online Learning Success *

Directions: Use this self-assessment to gauge your readiness for online learning. The following four characteristics are common for successful online students:

To get a good idea of your chances for success as an online student, rate how well each item below describes yourself. The following items measure your ability to perform different tasks. There are no right or wrong answers so your first reaction is usually best. Please do not omit any items. Rate how well each item describes you by selecting the button in the correct column for each item.

Computer Skills Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I am capable of learning new technologies.
I am capable of sending and receiving e-mail.
I am capable of attaching files to an e-mail message.
I am a competent Internet browser.
I am capable of using standard word processing software.
I am capable of managing files on a computer.
I can download new software when necessary.
I can install new software when necessary.
I can copy and paste text using a computer.
I am capable of using discussion boards online.
I am capable of using chat rooms online.
Independent Learning Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I am capable of prioritizing my responsibilities.
I am a good time manager.
I am a procrastinator.
I am capable of making time for my coursework.
I am able to balance many tasks at one time.
I am goal-oriented.
I am self-disciplined when it comes to my studies.
I am self-motivated.
I take responsibility for my learning.
I am capable of critical thinking.
Dependent Learning  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I often leave tasks unfinished.
I require help to understand written instructions.
I wait until the last minute to work on assignments.
I have trouble comprehending what I read.
I need faculty to remind me of assignment due dates.
I need incentives/rewards to motivate me to complete a task.
Need for Online Learning Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Because of my personal schedule, I need online courses.
It is difficult for me to go to campus to complete course requirements.
I need online courses because of my geographical distance from universities.
I need online courses because of my work schedule.
I need the freedom of completing coursework at the time and place of my choosing.
Academic Skills Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I can learn by working independently.
I am self-directed in my learning.
I am capable of solving problems alone.
I need face-to-face interaction to learn.
I need faculty feedback on my completed assignments.
I am a good reader.
I need classroom discussion to learn.
I am capable of asking for help when I have a problem.
I am comfortable learning new skills.
I read carefully.
I am a good writer.
I am capable of following written instructions.
I am capable of conveying my ideas in writing.

Your Test of Online Learning Success Results

Your overall score is .

If your overall score is:

Your Computer Skills score is .

Your Independent Learning score is

Your Dependent Learning score is

Your Academic Skills score is

Your Need for Online Delivery score is

Unlike the other subscales, the Need for Online Delivery score identifies a need instead of a skill. If your score is 3.4 or higher, it indicates that your lifestyle (i.e., career, family structure, personal responsibilities, distance to higher education entities) may demand the flexibility that the online classroom can provide. A score below 3.4 suggests that you do not have a pressing need for online delivery of instruction. Online courses are just one of several options for you.