CSC1310 - Foundations of Computer Science


Instructors: Yukong Zhang

Teaching Assistants: TBD

Office: McFadden 103

Email: yzhang at txwes dot edu

Lectures: Section 01: MW 11:00am STC 107

Office Hours: On syllabus

Phone: (817) 531-4885


Topics include problem solving and software development principles including prob- lem decomposition, abstraction , data structures, algorithm design and analysis, debug- ging, and testing; computer architectures including low-level data representation and instruction processing; computer systems including programming languages, compilers, operating systems; real-world application including networks, security and cryptography, artificial intelligence, and social issues.

Prerequisites: MAT-0301 or concurrent enrollment

Text Book: Computer Science Illuminated by Dale Nell, 8th Edition


[]  Welcome to the binary world!