CSC1321 Programming Assignment: Data Processing


Write a program to read data for vaccinations in the US from a data file here and display in web page format. A vaccination map in the United States shows vaccination by state (Data source: CDC). The data processing tasks include:

  1. Write a C++ program to read the data from the input file.
  2. Output the data into a HTML file in tabular format using HTML table tags. A sample of output file is here.
  3. View the HTML file in web browser to check if your program reads and outputs data correctly.
  4. Calculate vaccination rate (%) for each state, that is, the percentage of people with at least one dose of vaccine.
  5. Calculate and display the total population of the United States based on the data in the input date file.
  6. Calculate the total number of vaccine doses delivered in the US
  7. Calculate vaccination rate (%) for the entire United States.
  8. Find out which state (give out state name) has the highest vaccination rate. A procedure of finding the max value among a list of numbers is given below:
  9. If you want to add a remote stylesheet file, feel free to do so. Below is an example of remote stylesheet:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
    Note that when putting the link in C++ output statements, make sure to add backward slashes "\" in front of those double quotes inside the link tag to distinguish C++ string double quotes.

What to submit

Submit both C++ program and HTML output file to Blackboard by the midnight of the due day.