CSC1321 Programming Assignment: Data Processing


Write a program to read data for Covid-19 in Texas from a data file here and display in web page format. The data processing tasks include:

  1. Write a C++ program to read the data from the input file.
  2. Output the data into a HTML file in tabular format using HTML table tags. A sample of output file is here.
  3. View the HTML file in web browser to check if your program reads and outputs data correctly.
  4. Calculate infection and mortality rates (%) for each county.
  5. Calculate infection and mortality rates (%) for entire Texas.
  6. Find out which county (give out county name) has the highest infection and mortality rates. A procedure of finding the max value among a list of numbers is given below:
  7. If you want to add a remote stylesheet file, feel free to do so. Below is an example of remote stylesheet:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
    Note that when putting the link in C++ output statements, make sure to add backward slashes "\" in front of those double quotes inside the link tag to distinguish C++ string double quotes.

What to submit

Submit both C++ program and HTML output file to Blackboard by the midnight of the due day.